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Who Needs It?
Our Foundation Course is designed for every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ who desires to have a solid foundation in his/her Christian life.

While it will prove immensely useful to new Christians, it is not just the new converts alone. You may have been a Christian for a number of years and still be lacking as far as a solid foundation is concerned.
God desires for every one of His children to have a solid foundation.

He says in Col.2:6-7: “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith ….”

The scripture says “If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3).
And the answer is "nothing!". We need a solid foundation to run this race successfully.
So this Course will help you to build a solid foundation in your Christian walk which in turn guarantees a fruitful, productive, victorious and successful Christian life.

It will also help to strengthen whatever existing foundation you have and remove any cracks or weaknesses, if any. That is, even if you have been a christian for a while, you can undergo this course to refresh your faith and strengthen your foundation in the Lord.

Furthermore, and very importantly, it will give you the foundation you need to be an effective worker in the house of God.

We are all called to serve the Lord in one capacity or the other but whatever it is, we need a solid foundation of understanding in the principles of God’s kingdom. God does not anoint ignorance!

Some of the studies in this Course might not be entirely new to you if you’ve been a born again Christian for a while (and in a good church).

However, this time around, we are not just talking about you having an idea of what a subject area is about but for you to be sufficiently illuminated and equipped so as to be ready to minister to others (2Tim.2:2).

How It Works
You are required to register for the programme.
Thereafter, the study outlines will be released to you one at a time. You are to study each one on your own, after which you will complete and submit the feedback form.
Once your feedback form is properly completed, the system will accept it and immediately release the next study to you as well as ‘Pastor’s Answers and Comments’ on the study you’ve just completed. And it continues like that till the course ends.
Also, on the feedback form, there is a provision for you to ask questions on what you do not understand in each study. We will answer such questions and send you the answers.

How long will it take?
To a large extent, you are the one that determines how long the course will take because it is designed to allow you to study at the pace that is convenient for you.
In all, there are fourteen studies.  So if you cover two studies each week for instance, you will be through in seven weeks – and so on and so forth.
You determine the speed based on what is appropriate for you.

What Is Required Of You?
You are required to have a willingness to learn and grow in the things of God. It is expected and indeed required that you take this Course seriously.

  • Realise that the idea is not just for you to read through the study outlines but to carefully study each topic and learn all there is to learn from it.
  • Personal discipline will be a great asset and you will need it to enable you to successfully undertake the Course. It takes personal discipline to study. It also takes discipline to put away distractions and create the time to do these studies.
  • It is strongly advised that you get yourself a notebook where you can record the important things that you learn from each of the studies in this Course.
  • Keep your study outlines – don’t throw then away. You will need them in future. Therefore it will be a wise thing to get yourself a file for this purpose.

You Will Be Awarded A Certificate At The End.
On the satisfactory completion of the entire course, you will be awarded our Foundation Course Certificate
It will be a valid point of reference in a number of situations especially those involving your spiritual growth assessment as well as suitability for service in certain capacities in the house of God.

Please note:
Your participation in this course is not intended to be a substitute for your regular attendance at Church services. Make sure you belong to a good Bible believing church and attend regularly.
The whole purpose of this course is to help and  encourage you to grow and regular attendance at church services plays a very important part in helping a believer to grow.




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