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Daily Devotional Guide


Why The Need For Registration?

by Pastor Vincent Imwensi

The question on the minds of some people is why registration is necessary for potential users of our Daily Devotional Guide. To some people, that seems to be a turn-off and for others, it is not in good taste. But there are good reasons for this and here are some of them:

It shows that it is important to the user
I am aware that many people do not like the idea of having to register before they can use certain programs on the web.
As a regular web user myself, I sometimes feel that way but when I come to what is really important to me, I don’t mind registering.
In fact, in many cases, after registering, I still have to pay for the program or product – otherwise, I won’t be able to get my hand on it.

So registration reflects the importance that a user attaches to the program in question. If it is not important enough for you to register, then there is no point registering to use the program.
Therefore those who register to use this Daily Devotional Guide imply that it is important to them and those are the people for whom it is meant.

It demonstrates that the user attaches value to it
Quite often, people treat what is free as cheap or of no value and in some cases, the attitude they put up is as if they are doing the giver a favour by accepting what is given free. 
That is unfortunate because the truth is that “free” is not always “cheap".
Someone may have paid a heavy price to make it free to the receiver (just like our salvation in Christ Jesus).

A lot of effort and sacrifice go into making this Daily Devotional Guide ready each month. The Pastor’s comments for each and every day come out of prayer, study and meditation.
The comments are not copied from any book or something like that – they come fresh from the Spirit of God. If you think that is easy, try and do it for just one week!

So what you have here is not cheap – it is expensive even though it is given out for free. It is important that those who use this Daily Devotional Guide recognize the value in it and registration is one way of demonstrating that sense of value.

It boosts the commitment to continue to produce it
To devote the amount of time and effort required to get this Daily Devotional ready each month, I need to be satisfied that it is blessing people, otherwise it will be a colossal waste of resources.

As I have come to find out, a lot of people who benefit from something like this do not bother to indicate that they are using it talk less of saying that it is blessing them. So I have no way of knowing how many people are finding it useful except by the record of registered users.

People who have demonstrated (through their registration) that this Devotional Guide is important and of value to them give me more than enough reason to create time out of a very busy schedule to make sure it is produced each month.

For instance, to know that over 300 registered users will be affected if I fail to produce the Devotional for any month is enough encouragement to do whatever it takes in order not to disappoint them. Therefore users’ registration boosts my commitment to make sure it is always ready, in spite of how busy I am.

It opens users to more benefits
I do lift up the registered users of our Daily Devotional Guide in prayer as often as I am able. I pray that God will continue to bless and build them up for His own glory. I pray that what they receive through this Daily Devotional will profit them in every way.
I don’t want to spend my time praying for imaginary users – no, I have more serious things to do than that.
But when I take a look at the list of registered users, I know they want to grow in the things of God and that fuels my passion to pray for them.

Also from time to time, I intend to encourage them further by sending them helpful messages, faith building materials and other profitable information.

So these are some of the reasons why registration is required to use our free Daily Devotional Guide. Bless you.




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