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Simple html tags to help you

When you make a jotting in the NOTEPAD and send it to your mail box, you will notice that all your sentences are put together without any line breaks or paragraphs which may not look nice.

To solve this problem, you need to learn to use these two simple html tags - that is:

<br> and <p>

The html tag <br> is for line break. When you place it after a sentence, the next sentence will start on a new line.

The html tag  <p> is for paragraph. When you pace it at the end of a sentence, the next sentence will start on a new paragraph.



Jottings without tags:
A jotting without the tags will look like this when you read it in your email:

10th of August, 2010. The key things I learnt today based on 1Cor.13. (1) Love is the most important virtue in the life of a believer. (2) It is possible to manifest the gifts of the Spirit without the love of God and that would profit me nothing. To manifest the love of God, a believer needs to allow God to live through him because it is not something we can do by our own strength or determination due to our human weaknesses. But thank God that through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and my daily unconditional surrender to Him, I can walk in the love of God.

Jotting with tags
But the same jotting with the tags properly placed where required, will look like this when you open your email:

10th of August, 2010.

The key things I learnt today based on 1Cor.13.
(1) Love is the most important virtue in the life of a believer.
(2) It is possible to manifest the gifts of the Spirit without the love of God and that would profit me nothing.

To manifest the love of God, a believer needs to allow God to live through him because it is not something we can do by our own strength or determination due to our human weaknesses.
But thank God that through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and my daily unconditional surrender to Him, I can walk in the love of God.



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