Reviving The World With The Living Word
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Kingdom Advancement Initiatives


Church Planting

Among other things, we are a church planting ministry - opening branches of Solid Rock Bible Church in any part of the world as the Lord leads us.

Requests to come and establish a church branch anywhere is welcome. Every request will be prayerfully considered and where the Lord gives us a go-ahead and certain conditions are met, we will not hesitate.

Right now, our branch network is growing across the world.

For more information regarding this, send your email to info@lwrm.org.uk or click here to contact us.

Church Resuscitation And Establishment

Good churches ought not to die. We believe that the purpose of the Lord can in most cases be better served if a church is kept alive than if it is left to die.

So, based on certain conditions, (plus of course, the leading of the Spirit of God), we are willing to step in and help in "resuscitating" and strengthening an ailing (pentecostal) church, as the Lord enables us.

For more information, send your email to info@lwrm.org.uk or
click here to contact us.

Revival Meetings and Pastors/Ministers & Church Workers Conferences

We hold power packed revival meetings and pastors/ministers & church workers conferences across the world.

We are open to invitations to hold such meetings anywhere.
Once we get a go-ahead from the Lord to honour such invitation and certain conditions are met, we will be happy to do so.

Contact us if you need further information regarding this. Send your email to info@lwrm.org.uk or click here to contact us.



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